‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ quick review


Ok I’m going to make this quick, Guardians of the Galaxy is Awesome! THE END.

No, literally its that good. The chemistry between the cast fits very well and the music used just gets the mood going. You will literally be smiling the whole time and laughing . The film has a lot of heart and you really get attached with the characters. For an unknown property to most of the public who haven’t heard of  The Guardians comics you’ll end up wanting more.  And thats a good thing because it really didn’t feel like a comicbook movie but more of a fun space adventure and as far as an origin story its not slow nor boring. In fact ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ has got to be one of the few films this year that has been balanced properly. I did find that music played a big part in the movie and you know what ,personally, Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix, Vol. has got to be one of the better soundtrack compilations this year as well. (Go buy it!)

“Guardians of the Galaxy” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Bloodless violence and soft expletives.

Look I’m not going to be one of those sites that reviews the movie and breaks it down to the point where they basically tell you everything. There are things I could write about the movie that would take away from the experience and the surprise of what the film has in store. Simply put if you enjoyed ‘The Avengers’ you will enjoy ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ better yet you might like it a little more and you might find yourself cheering and clapping at the end.

 James Gunn delivered, Chris Pratt delivered…heck the whole cast and everyone involved delivered.

Go watch it one time. Then again to catch the little things missed. Then again because you know you want to.


Directed by James Gunn and staring

  • Chris Pratt (Peter Quill)
  • Zoe Saldana (Gamora)
  • Dave Bautista (Drax)
  • Vin Diesel (voice of Groot)
  • Bradley Cooper (voice of Rocket)
  • Lee Pace (Ronan)
  • Michael Rooker (Yondu)
  • Karen Gillan (Nebula)
  • Djimon Hounsou (Korath)
  • John C. Reilly (Corpsman Rhomann Dey)
  • Glenn Close (Nova Prime)
  • and Benicio Del Toro (the Collector)


Official ‘Deadpool’ Movie Test Footage from Blur Studios

In 2012 VFX artist and last director to be attached to a Deadpool live-action film, Tim Miller, shot some performance capture with Ryan Reynolds. The original worked footage length is 8 minutes and although the length of the leaked video is shy 6 minutes, I’m just glad we got this footage at ALL! This is .…what Deadpool should have been! All I wanna say is Ryan you keep pushing to get this movie made!http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22eged_deadpool-test-footage-in-hd_videogames?start=15

deadpool-test-footage-ryan-reynolds-blur-studio-01 (2)

Source via (itsartmag.com)